Dr. Boyce Watkins and Filmmaker Ric Mathis, are the executive producers of B1: The Movie "The Code of Blackness" . This highly anticipated movie is a documentary that will challenge your perceptions and ignite essential conversations about getting ON-CODE and putting the needs of our community first in media, education, health, relationships etc.
There is the music soundtrack to that wonderful movie In every DVD/CD Case
B1 The Movie, B1 The Curriculum, and B1 The Soundtrack and few more surprises.
CBS RADIO Interview with Rashad Richey
Rolling Out
Atlanta Daily World
Hype Magazine
B1 The Movie (4min Trailer)
B1 The Movie Promo (Ric Mathis)
B1 The Movie Promo (Dr George Fraser)
B1 The Movie Promo (James Small)
B1 The Movie (24min Juneteenth Edit)
Sneak Peek
Check out the new B1 Movie with Dr Boyce Watkins and Filmmaker Ric Mathis
B1 The Movie Interview with cast member(Dr George Fraser)
B1 The Movie Interview with cast member(Dr George Fraser)