Is 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide a Cure?
Posted by Renee Quarles on 4th Jan 2016
First and foremost BEFORE you use any product, you MUST do your homework - especially 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide .
We require everyone that purchases it from us to READ the book mentioned below FIRST (it is included in our kits.)
You can always find pro's and cons to anything, make an informed decision for yourself. Of course, if you have health issues, always discuss with a health professional.
We are NOT telling you that any one thing is a cure or better than anything else, but we do believe in holistic, natural resources when it comes to improving and maintaining our health.
Benefits of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (also known as H202) is a naturally occurring water-like liquid that has numerous practical and therapeutic applications.
According to Grow Youthful:
" It stimulates the production of enzymes, increases the metabolic rate, causes small arteries to dilate and increase blood flow, and raises body temperature. Mother's milk contains H202, and the amount in the first milk (colostrum) is even higher. One of its main functions is to activate and stimulate the immune system. Hydrogen peroxide is needed for the production of thyroid and sexual hormones. It improves glucose utilisation in diabetics."
This product has been known treat a variety of ailments:
- Diseases of the digestive system (such as diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome)
- Immune system disorders
- Cancer (Make sure to read more about this, one website said this can only be used for newly diagnosed cases...research)
- Peridontal diseases
- It can be used to wash and preserve fruits and vegetables naturally
- Hundreds of other diseases caused by viral infections, and infections by bacteria and other micro-organisms
Hydrogen peroxide is not foreign to the human body.
The cells responsible for fighting infection and foreign invaders in the body (your white blood cells) make hydrogen peroxide and use it to oxidize any offending culprits.
Some Basic Uses/Directions:
- Oral Consumption: Take 2-3 DROPS (not dispenser full or dropper full) in a glass of distilled water. Repeat every 3 hours. Consuming excessive amounts of H202 can cause gastric upset.
- Enema Solution: Add 1/2 ounce to enema solution (distilled water).
Bath: Add 2-4 cups to bath water (45 gallons of bath water).
Caution is Required
- Keep out of eyes and do not get on hands (will temporarily turn skin white with a subtle stingy sensation). If you get on hands, wash hands with water. Use gloves, it should be handled with care.
- Store in glass bottle only, keep it cool or in a refrigerator.
- Keep out of the reach of children.
- It MUST be diluted.
- If it comes in contact with eyes, flush immediately with water, or any water based liquid.
We recommend "The One Minute Cure, The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases" by Madison Cavanaugh and " The True Power of Hydrogen Peroxide, Miracle Path to Wellness", by Mary Wright. We highly recommend you read both books in their entirety prior to using this product. These books take you along a path of knowledge and understanding in a holistic approach to healing!
To help you with your homework, here is a link that provides more detailed information.
The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide
Have you tried this before? How has it worked for you...please share in the comments below - help us help others!