Volume one of a two volume set. (This description is for all volumes.) Containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origins of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace. Vol. I, Egyptian origins in the British Isles; Egypt; Comparative vocabulary of English and Egyptian words; Hieroglyphics in Britain; Egyptian origins in words; Egyptian water-names; Egyptian names of personages; British symbolical customs and Egyptian naming; Egyptian deities in the British Isles; Egyptian place-names and the record of the stones; Type-names of the people. Vol. II; Comparative vocabulary of Hebrew and Egyptian words; Hebrew cruxes with Egyptian illustrations; Egyptian origins in the Hebrew scriptures, religion, language, and letters; The phenomenal origin of Jehovah-Elohim; Egyptian origin of the Exodus; Moses and Joshua, or the two Lion-Gods of Egypt; An Egyptian dynasty of Hebrew deities identified from the monuments; The Egyptian origin of the Jews traced from the monuments; Comparative vocabulary of Akkado-Assyrian and Egyptian words; Egyptian origins in the Akkado-Assyrian language and mythology; Comparative vocabulary of Maori and Egyptian words; African origins of the Maori; Roots in Africa beyond Egypt.