Yellow beeswax comes directly from the honeycomb, while white and bleachedbeeswax come from yellow beeswax. As medicine, beeswax is used for lowering cholesterol and for relieving pain. It is also used for swelling (inflammation), ulcers, diarrhea, and hiccups.
Beeswax is used in many skin care products because it provides a protection against irritants while still allowing the skin to breathe. It also offers anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral benefits making it helpful in treating skin irritation.
Beeswax is used in lip balm, lip gloss, hand creams, salves, and moisturizers; and in cosmetics such as eye shadow, blush, and eye liner. Beeswax is also an important ingredient in mustache wax and hair pomades, which make hair look sleek and shiny.
Packaged in an 8oz container